New Year 2024

· Parzzix

Well a New Year is upon us yet again, that makes half a century of them for me thereabouts. I'm starting this year in a New State, well new recently, I grew up near here in my teens. The wife is starting a new job, kids in a new school, and I am reworking myself. I have a couple things I want to accomplish this year.

  1. I have been on and off with my journaling. This last year I did pretty good. This coming year I really want to be consistent. I'm sticking mainly to analog, I always fear my digital stuff will be lost at my death some day.

  2. I've toyed with programming for almost 5 years or so. I really want to make something this year. I'm looking at a few options, a recipe app, note app, or Markdown editor or writers. I want them Linux native and on mobile. I am going to probably use Dart/Flutter for this.

  3. I want to double my reading. I think I only knocked out about a dozen books last year.

  4. My dogs really need some discipline training. I need to get that done this year.

And of course there is the be healthier, eat right, exercise, etc, etc.. that most of us do.

I hope you all have a great New Year! Cheers!